Thursday, 1 April 2010

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Preliminary task

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

Deconstruction of double page spread

  • Just by looking at this double page spread i can see that it is very colourful (to attract teenagers and keep them interested)
  • The double page spread is an interview with a band called 'The Jonas Brothers' therefore the main image is of the three band members with guitars etc to give a 'cool' look.
  • The language is very basic and light hearted, this is to ensure that the readers will be able to understand it and enjoy reading it.
  • The tone and register of this spread is quite informal and has a very simple narrative.
  • There is no sexual reference despite the fact 'camp' is a term of inderement for a gay man.
  • There are no sexual references made here at all so it is very clear that this is made for young children also it is not gender bias as they do not focus on a specific colour (blue or pink).
  • the enlarged word 'camp' suggests honesty, childhood, going back to nature etc

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


In order to find out what appeals to my target audience i have made a questionnaire so i can find out what i should include in my magazine so that children/young teenagers would buy it.

How old are you? (please tick)
  • 0-6 yrs.
  • 6-8 yrs.
  • 8-10 yrs.
  • 10-15 yrs
  • 15 yrs +

What genre of music do you most like? (please tick)

  • Pop
  • Rock
  • Indie
  • Classical

Who is your favourite singer?

What is the last song you listened to?

Who is your favourite celebrity?

What is your favourite TV show?

Friday, 5 February 2010

the cult of celebrities

Miley Cyrus (aka Hannah Montana) is a famous young actress/songwriter/singer. Even though she started out in the United States she has become extremely famous in the UK too and she has many young fans (ranging from young children to teenagers). This may be because Miley used to be just like them and it is every girls dream (at even one point in their life) and her fans look upto her as they want to be like her.

In my music magazine i am going to create a young singer like Miley to feature in my magazine as i personally think if a young famous singer like Miley was on the front cover of a music magazine today then teenagers would want to buy it and read about it.

In a media saturated society a famous face instantly engages a target audience. This cultural cult of celebrity means that young people identify with specific figures in the public eye. Moreover, using a celebrity instantly recognised by my target audience will mean they want to engage with the magazine further and will identify with it.

I have used this image of a real previous teenage music magazine as an inspiration for my own media piece as it includes all the factors i think should be included in mine.
For example:

  • Lots of pictures on the front cover (which should also be continued throughout the magazine)
  • Bright background to catch peoples attention
  • Lots of different fonts and colours to keep people entertained and make them want to read the magazine.
  • Features of young stars/celebrities that young teenagers may look upto/admire
  • Headlines such as 'STARS EXPOSED' and '19 Red Carpet Looks' (if young children/teenagers admire the celebrities featured they may want to copy their style and see what they're up to etc.
  • They include lyrics to new songs so the reader can sing along with their favourite artists.