Tuesday, 2 February 2010

Target Audience

I have chosen to to a print brief as during my preliminary tasks i enjoyed this more than the video. Although i found it more challenging i found it more interesting and feel i have more experience in doing print briefs.
As i am doing a childrens music magazine my target audience will obviously be children to young teenagers. To fullfill this im going to have to use alot of pictures on my cover, contents and double page spread as children will not want to read a magazine that has lots of words and would prefer to look at pictures and read as little as possible. Also i will have to use language that they will understand which eliminates big words which are hard to read.

I will do this by:

  • Creating a questionnaire to see what children like to see in a music magazine.
  • Research on previous childrens music magazines (preferably successful ones such as top of the pops)
  • I will also do some research on young teen singers (such as Miley Cyrus and Taylor Swift) as i will include similar stuff in my own magazine.


  1. You need to deconstruct a small sample of music magazines aimed at your current target audience. You must discuss how the magazine is aiming to identify with this target audience through language and image.
    Think about the words that are used. What kind of consumer in terms of lifestyle are they trying to appeal to? Refer back to the work we have done on 'lifestyle demographics' for more on this.
    Also: consider how the magazine is attempting to appeal to audience in terms of age, gender and race/ethnicity as well.

  2. Well done Danielle! Welcome to blogging!
